"Abroad" package: what are the advantages, for whom it will be useful, how to order?

Date 14.12.2022

The idea of the "Abroad" educational package did not arise suddenly, but as a result of the forced emigration of a large number of parents. In order to protect children from danger and traumatic war experiences, Ukrainians left for other countries of the world. Of course, they put the children in local schools, because despite the terrible circumstances, the children still need to gain knowledge.

We understood the factor that the war would not end in a month and would continue indefinitely. Therefore, they were fully aware of the risk that many students would not return to Ukraine this year. Therefore, it was necessary to come up with a way so that the children were tangential to domestic education and later, after returning home, they could resume without obstacles in the respective classes. So the "Abroad" package became a point solution for this problem.

About the package and its benefits

The "Abroad" package includes 10 lessons per week (Ukrainian and English, mathematics). Why such a choice of subjects? Olga Gis, academic director of the School of the Free and Caring, answers: "The program abroad does not always correspond to the program of the Ukrainian school. For example, in our education system in mathematics, they pay more attention to problems, and not to calculations, as in theirs. They will not teach the Ukrainian language there at all. English is necessary because the children of our school (eg the School of the Free and Caring) have English 5 times a week, starting from the preparatory class. In foreign schools, 2, maximum 3 times a week, so there will be a clear lag. Of course, this does not apply to schools in Great Britain, because there children acquire English directly in an English-speaking environment.

These subjects differ from foreign subjects in terms of the curriculum, so that the child does not have gaps in knowledge, this package will be useful to him).

All lessons take place in the format of "live learning", that is, teachers interact live with students and perform tasks together with them. The number of children in the class is limited - up to 10.

"As a rule, our online school is ahead of the offline school because there are fewer children in the class (up to 7 children), they have more time to do things and parents are more actively involved in monitoring the student's progress. All this in the complex gives a better result" , - says Olga Gis.

Classes continue in the afternoon, so as not to create an additional burden for the children. Therefore, the child returns from the local school and can safely study online.

The student also has access to the EDUS online diary (we talked about it earlier), all methodical materials and the "Reader" electronic platform, a kind of online library with a large amount of educational and fiction literature and periodicals.

The advantage of the package is the opportunity to receive a state-style certificate for an additional fee, provided that the student will pass the evaluation of several subjects provided by the Ministry of Education and Culture program according to the educational class.

For an additional fee, you can also get a student starter pack - all the necessary printed textbooks and materials. At the same time, the child will have all these materials in online access absolutely free of charge.

The cost of the "Abroad" package is UAH 3,500 per month. Currently, 34 children use the package. Parents are quite satisfied with the result!

If you are abroad and feel the need for your child to fully acquire knowledge of the Ukrainian and English languages, as well as mathematics, such a package is the best option. We recommend leaving your data and getting quality advice from our administrator! We will be happy to answer all your questions!

For an additional fee, you can also get a student’s starter pack. These are all the necessary printed textbooks and materials. At the same time, the child will have online access to all these materials absolutely free of charge.