What is an online school and how does distance learning work?

Date 30.05.2022 What is an online school and how does distance learning work?

Remote education is an opportunity to learn and acquire the necessary knowledge remotely from an educational institution.

Remote learning has become an increasingly popular way of learning in recent years. There is a number of reasons for the attractiveness of distance education, the main of which is the development of Internet technologies, which greatly simplifies access to distance learning and expands its potential participants.

Of course, we should not forget about the challenges of recent years - a pandemic, a full-scale war - when regular educational institutions were closed for a long period of time, and remote learning was almost the only available form of education.

You can study remotely (at a distance) in various formats: watch recorded video lessons, study the material yourself, or study live.

Online school is one of the formats of distance learning, which involves classes in real time.

Our School of Free and Caring offers just such a format. After all, it allows to ensure the greatest effectiveness of learning. Students have the opportunity to interact both with the teacher (clarify all unclear points, ask additional questions, etc.) and with each other, because "socialization" is one of the important aspects of the school. With remote learning, the role of teachers only grows. They provide quality education using digital technologies, communicate with students online, inspire and motivate them to study, and help parents. Nowadays these are the skills that each professional teacher should possess.

Remote learning is suitable for different categories of children, for example: - those for whom it's more comfortable to study at home;

- who cannot attend school due to health conditions;

- who are currently outside Ukraine

- who want to receive quality Ukrainian education and comprehensive development