How to prepare for online learning. Advice to parents from a psychologist

Date 24.05.2022 How to prepare for online learning. Advice to parents from a psychologist

Qualitative education is an important foundation in the life of every person. Parents are responsible for providing the child with this qualitative foundation. Choosing a learning format for a child, parents take into account all the events in society (for example,war and quarantine) which dictate the need to choose online education. Choosing remote learning , it is important for the parents to pay attention to several important components .

1.Safe framework

First of all, one of the basic psychological needs of a child is a safe and organized framework. In online education it is especially necessary, because offline learning involves compliance with the framework at school, and "online frameworks" must be created for children with the participation of parents. Regardless of the child's age, they should have separate and organized workspace. It should be a stable place for studying (table, shelf for textbooks, stationery). The workspace should be comfortable for writing and reading (good lighting,a charged gadget, sharpened pencils, a schedule).The child should prepare for classes in advance. Ideally - in the evening, before morning classes.

If the students are "small" (first, second grade), they will need adult accompaniment. So the task of parents is to teach the child to use the schedule. Children like to have a visualized schedule, since visual memory will be the leading one, in the overwhelming majority.

2. Qualitative involvement in education.

Both in remote and offline education for elementary school children, the participation of parents is important. Not only the participation, but also qualitative and genuine interest. In order for the child to feel this, it is good to have an evening ritual,for example, a "box of emotions", where in the evening all family members will exchange ideas of important events during the day. This activity can take up to 30 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to take an interest in what was the most interesting today at school, which information was remembered, which of the classmates made your child laugh.

3. Rest from gadgets

Equally important in online education is the need to take care of the child's time off from gadgets. This time can be used for a walk, physical activity, a tasty snack, drawing or listening to favourite music.

4. Socialization of the child

Supporting children's relationships with each other during non-formal breaks is valuable for qualitative education communication, or outside the school. Of course, if there is an opportunity to meet at least one classmate whether online or offline - it creates a social attachment of the child, and he/she feels a part of the school community or other social community, which is also one of the child's psychological needs.

5. Emotional support of children

Emotional support from parents, when a child shares this or that problem, is valuable for students. Find time to listen to your child and share these experiences. Parenting has a good effect on children's education when parents and children do various family projects.It makes them closer to each other!

6. Search activity

It is necessary to teach the child search activity. The smaller the student is, the more he/she needs help. But there is a difference between doing something instead of a child and showing where and how to find the necessary material.

7. Quality sleep of the child

Parents should also take care of their child's quality sleep. Since sleep of at least 8 hours is the basis of the child's psychophysiological development.

8. Communication with the teacher

In online education, high-quality communication between adults and the teacher is necessary. Children are the best psychologists, and they clearly feel the inclusion of parents in the educational process. However, it is important to develop in the child the skills for independent learning, but not the negligense of the parents to the school life of their student. A habit is formed in no less than 60 days. Accordingly, if you properly help the child to organize the educational process in a good way, then he will be able to cope with it independently in the future.

9. Personal space of the child

Children should have their own personal life and space, and so should parents. If the child studies in a separate room, then it would be correct to knock before going inside.

10. Responsibilities of the child

In the family, the rules and obligations by which all family members live, which are discussed and supplemented at the "family council", are important. Wise frameworks and properly organized family life, division of responsibilities among relatives are evidence of "wise" love of parents, and their preparation of children for "adult" life.

11. Own psycho emotional state

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that every father and mother, grandmother, or grandfather should take care of their psycho-emotional state (rest well, have time for physical activity, meetings with friends, etc.). How effective and helpful we are to our children depends on our resource and charge. Children are good at reading our calmness or restlessness, and behave accordingly.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Author: Iryna Ivashyshyn-Bratsykhina